In Phase 2, the solution architecture is also enabled by a PaaS layer in which some of the core platform components are consolidated. 在第2阶段中,解决方案架构也受一个PaaS层支持,该层中整合了一些核心平台组件。
Site formation and infrastructure works for Phase 2 are in progress and are scheduled for completion late in 2000. 第II期发展计划的地盘平整及基础建设工程在进行中,定于二零零零年底完成。
Inchoate skin mucous membrane is damaged ( sore of first phase, 2 period mildew) can check cadaverous helicoid. 早期皮肤粘膜损害(一期、二期霉疮)可查到苍白螺旋体。
Study on production technology and health effect of milk containing Phase 2 含Phase2牛乳生产技术及健康效应研究
Wan Chai Reclamation Phase 2 is under planning. 湾仔填海工程第II期仍在规划中。
Fenghua Garden Project Phase 2 Real Estate Investment Analysis and Research 风华苑2期项目开发投资分析与研究
The Effect of Cell Parameter CBQ on Phase 2 Mobile Phone Access Performance 小区参数CBQ对Phase2手机入网性能的影响
Design and Type selection of I& C for Beilun Power Plant's Phase 2 Project 北仑电厂二期工程仪控系统的设计选型
Scattered piebald enhancement in liver was appeared in 21 cases, with 3 cases in artery phase, 16 cases in portal vein phase, 2 cases in double phase. PAS in proximal end was merged in 16 of 21 cases. 21例肝脏呈弥漫性花斑样强化,出现动脉期3例,门静脉期16例,双期2例,21例中合并近端PAS16例。
Two phase equivalent circuit of Scott connection transformer is put forward. The impedance transformation relations between 3 phase and 2 phase are revealed, which are identical to the results obtained from the system coordinate transformation method. 提出了Scott接线变压器的两相等效电路,并揭示出了与利用系统坐标变换方法一致的三相&两相阻抗变换关系。
Protection shelter with lighting glass in China square phase 2 project 中华广场二期工程玻璃采光棚防护方案
A very low phase noise 2~ N frequency divider is presented. 介绍了一种低相位噪声2N分频器的设计。
Conclsions: Chronic high plasma NE level probably induces ventricular arrhythmia via promoting EAD/ DAD and phase 2 reentry. 结论:长期高血浆NE易诱发室性心律失常的原因可能与心室肌后除极的发生率升高及2相折返的形成有关。
The dry culm weight increased in Phase 1, decreased in Phase 2, and remained stable in Phase 3. ( 2) There were differences in the change process of dry culm weight of the varieties. 不同品种成熟期茎鞘干重变化过程不同。
Grouting Construction of Dam Joints for the Three Gorges Project in Phase 2 三峡二期工程大坝接缝灌浆施工
In the phase 2 of oocyte development, the yolk nucleus, transparent layer around nucleus, and nucleolar bodies extruding into cytoplasm can be seen. 第2时相卵母细胞中具有卵黄核、围核透明层,并可见核仁物质外排现象;
This research shows: The addition of Add B in the material can improve the form and distribution of the base body and phase 2 enzyme, and improve the material wear ability. 本研究表明:在材料中添加B,可改善基体和第二相的形态及分布,提高材料耐磨性;
The revamping of Phase 2 water treatment plant of three-cell three-layer floating bed process in the thermal power plant of Qilu Petrochemical Company and operation are described. 介绍了齐鲁石化公司热电厂二期水处理装置采用三室三层浮动床技术进行黄河水处理的改造及运行情况。
Phase 2 of Zhongguancun Financial Center 中关村金融中心二期
The situation for the completion of DMIS project phase 1 is introduced. Main problems confronting the DMIS project are pointed out and the major targets for the DMIS project phase 2 and arrangement for DMIS project phases 1 and 2 in 2001 are put forward. 介绍了DMIS一期工程完成情况,指出了DMIS工程面临的主要问题,提出了DMIS二期工程的主要目标及2001年DMIS一、二期工程安排。
Energy center of the phase 2 of Shanghai Pudong International Airport 上海浦东国际机场二期能源中心
The oil and gas from the reservoirs have gone through two phases of migration: Phase 1, hydrocarbon migration and ( accumulation) as low-maturity oil, and Phase 2, the accumulation of hydrocarbons. 认为储层的油气运移经历了两期,第一期为烃类的主要运移、聚集期,油气为低成熟油;
The technical features and indexes of lean concrete used by Phase 2 Project were discussed in the paper and the construction method and the defect treatment were also described in it. 论述盐田港区二期工程中所使用的贫混凝土的技术性能指标和施工方法及缺陷处理。
From the phase 2 to the early phase 4 of oocytes, there was a transparent layer in the outboard of nuclear membrane. 第2时相到第4时相早期,核膜外侧具有一透明层。
In the retrofitting project ( conversion from oil-fired to coal-fired) of first phase 2 × 328.2 MW generating units, the plasma ignition devices were newly installed. 大港发电厂一期2×328.2MW发电机组油改煤工程中,安装了等离子点火装置。
This paper deals with the form, quantity, size of studying phase 2 enzyme and the impact of its distribution on brass synchronizer tooth ring wear ability of special type. 本文研究了第二相的形状、数量、大小及分布对特种黄铜同步器齿环耐磨性的影响。
Feasibility analysis of chilled water thermal storage air conditioning systems in phase 2 of Pudong International Airport project 浦东国际机场二期水蓄冷空调系统的可行性分析
Dry matter digestibility was not different during phase 2, but was higher for pigs fed diets supplemented with phytase during phase 3 ( P 0.01). 干物质消化率在第2日粮阶段中无显著差别,但在第3阶段中试验组高于对照组(P0.01)。
The recommended dose of nilotinib for phase 2 studies is 400 mg twice daily. 推荐Ⅱ期研究的剂量为400mg,每日二次。
The product of saponification was isolated by a liquid-liquid phase separation with the upper phase of di-ether and the lower phase of 2% ( W/ V) NaCl solution. 用乙醚和2%(W/V)的氯化钠水溶液液&液萃取皂化反应产物。